Published on08/03/2017 7:49 am

Avast is one of the reliable antivirus applications that are available for both free and paid versions. Installing an antivirus is important because it is necessary to secure your PC from malicious attacks and the harmed files. There are a number of users who rely on free antivirus version for home purpose.

Sometimes your antivirus becomes a reason that hinders the process of installation of a new program like drivers, any video program, and other important applications successfully on your PC. In case, you are not able to install any program on your PC, you can try again by disabling this antivirus temporarily.

So, we are here today to explain you the steps to disable your Avast software temporarily and once you are done with installation of a program, you can enable it again. If you stuck somewhere in this process then connect with an expert at Avast support team to get immediate assistance.

Steps to disable Avast temporarily:

  • If you have already turned on your PC then look for Avast
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Published on07/17/2017 5:52 am

As we are moving towards a totally developed world, we are becoming more and more insecure. There was a time when we used to do all our work manually with writing all the things on paper with a pen. At that time, life was very simple and easy to live but today due to the advancement in technology we are getting a bit insecure.We can blame the internet for this kind of situation. When there was no internet, there were no frauds and cheats but in recent years, we are seeing some great blunders of all time. To prevent such kind of incidents, we install best of antiviruses and anti malware software.

In this blog, Avast support is talking about transferring the subscription of Avast internet security to another computer. You can do this task very easily as it is done most frequently by many users. To achieve your target, you first need to uninstall this product in the previous computer and then installing it back in the second computer. Now, follow these trends to see your results:

  • First, in
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Avast Technical Support Canada 1-855-254-6999